
Showing posts from July, 2017

Engineering Mathematics Hand Written Notes for GATE exam (All Branches)

It is a personal blog of the author. You can download the Engineering Mathematics notes by clicking on pop-out [⬈] symbol. Before downloading, please comment your opinion on this notes. Provide your suggestions for the improvement and bring the errors into notice.

Welcome to White Board..!!

I'm a research scholar with a passion for studying. I'm here to say that we don't always find the right way to study and get things done. How many times have we pulled all-nighters to hand in that paper/project or crammed last minute for that important maths exam? I thought so... So this is for you ! I post useful materials whenever time allows me, as well as inspirational and helpful tips for your benefit. This blog is dedicated to learning the best way to learn and encouraging you all to always move forward . I will try to share creative solutions to help you build confidence, save time, and improve your academic skills. Join the community and participate in conversations that promote best practices in education. I welcome your thoughts! Let me know what questions you have. Please feel free to drop by the inbox anytime! Happy studying!